About Me

Back when I was just 23, life was like a typical young adult's - hanging out with friends, working since my teens, and looking forward to what's next. But then, bam! I found out I was going to be a dad, and suddenly, everything shifted. Excitement mixed with fear as I faced the reality of impending fatherhood.

My relationship at the time was a rollercoaster. It brought mental challenges I never saw coming. Without diving into specifics, let's just say it took a toll emotionally, and I found myself at a crossroads where I had to make a tough call. Walking away from that relationship was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made, but it was crucial for my own well-being and for the little one.

Co-parenting? That was a whole journey I never saw coming. From fighting for assurances of access to my daughter to braving the intimidating world of family court, I had to grow up fast. Somehow, I managed to keep my cool amidst all the emotional chaos. Having a solid support network of friends and family was a lifesaver during those rough patches.

But it wasn't just about leaning on others; I also embarked on a journey of personal growth and emotional healing. Therapy, life coaching, embracing vulnerability – I did it all. And you know what? It was liberating. I learned that it's okay to ask for help, to be vulnerable, and to put my well-being first.

Looking back, I see how much I've evolved. Despite the challenges, I built a strong bond with my daughter, who's now 6 years old. And over time, things smoothed out with her mum too, allowing us to co-parent like champs for her sake. It's proof that resilience pays off and that keeping your cool in tough times can make all the difference.

Today, I'm fired up about sharing my journey and helping other dads navigate their own paths. With a burning passion and unwavering drive, I'm here to help dads embrace vulnerability, prioritise self-care, and build effective relationships with their co-parent.